孝感网站建设_php网站设计_建设网站公司_成都网站建设服务 Abstract

      The tourism industry is an information intensive industry, and traditional ticket sales for tourist attractions are limited by technology and manpower. Travel agency websites can establish effective channels between scenic spots and tourists, which can better meet the needs of tourists for convenient tourism. The design of a travel agency website is based on the SSM framework, MySQL database, JSP technology, and Ajax technology. The system implements functions such as personal information, announcement management (broadcast images, website announcements), user management (administrators, ordinary users, sellers), information management, tourism products, orders, etc. The seller's personal information, tourism product management, and order management, as well as the user's homepage, website announcements, tourism information, etc Functions such as tourism products and online purchases allow users to search and view tourism product information online, making it convenient to purchase tickets online.

Key words:mysql database; SSM framework; Travel

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